Friday, August 10, 2012

"20 Week Ultrasound" (19 weeks)

Yesterday Thursday, August 9th we had our "20 Week Ultrasound" it was a little early, but I guess that is still what they call it. It was such a fun and wonderful experience for us. Lucas and I were accompanied by my mom and sister who came to visit this week from North Carolina. We were so thankful that our Ultrasound Tech. agreed to send a text to Beth our Gender Reveal cupcake maker. She did a very good job of not giving it away to us (and we obviously had no idea what we were looking at). 
Baby West was nicely snuggled against my back bone and didn't really feel like moving. We know that she has a very nice spine, as that was what we got to see the most of. The Tech. had me get up and use the bathroom a few times, walk the halls, drink water, lay on my side... we tried all sorts of things and she was able to get all the pictures and angles she needed. Even though Baby West wasn't wanting to roll over she was still very animated. She was kicking and fist pumping (She must like Daddy's Techno Jesus Music)! She was laying on her other arm so we were joking that we knew She had two legs and two feet and at least ONE arm and hand! We did finally get to see the other one. 
The 4D Ultrasound was so Amazing! When we first saw her little face the first thing I said was "I think it looks like me!" I am not sure if it really does, but now that we know that "it" is a "she" I am glad it didn't have Lucas' nose (haha!) 
It was so special to be able to see Baby West and know that everything is forming the way it is supposed to. What a little Blessing and to think that God is knitting her together inside of me is breath taking. I am thankful for this little technology that has allowed me to have a small glimpse of the mighty miraculous work that He is doing. Baby West is 11 oz. and her heart rate was 146 bpm! We love her so much already!

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