Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You Mean Cookies Aren't Part of a Pregnancy Diet?

You hear people talk about how wonderful it is when you are pregnant because you can eat whatever you want. People will say "go ahead, have another brownie, you are eating for two". Well those people LIE! I thought pregnancy was going to be an endless supply of chocolate cake, pies and cookies and midnight runs to taco bell. While I have had my fair share of cookies the past 2 weeks (since that has been my craving), for the most part, if I am eating food that will actually build a healthy baby, there is no room for all those empty calories. A pregnant woman is only supposed to eat about 300 more calories a day in the first trimester...that is an apple with some peanut butter! And it doesn't increase too much by the end.

I am so thankful for my midwives who have really done a good job at encouraging me to eat right and exercise. Since I am taking the natural route it really is important to be reminded that a healthy pregnancy creates a healthy birth. I have learned that a "weight loss diet", which I was on prior to pregnancy, is not the same as a "healthy diet". There are still some things that they have in common, for instance white sugar and flour are always BAD! And processed meats aren't recommended in either. However, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I could eat real eggs again (even the yolk!) and honey or truvia was better than splenda, real butter is superior to margarine or reduced fat and best of all WHOLE MILK! I love milk and 1% is just blue water in my opinion so it's wonderful to be drinking the real stuff! *Of all the things i mentioned above organic is ideal, because it has less hormones and chemicals. I try to think REAL, RAW foods ( I sometimes cheat and have an oreo ;-). It has actually been kind of fun to learn to read labels and see what is in my food and I get a little excited when I find a new organic food I like at Wegmans.

I thought it might be fun to share with you guys what I actually eat (or try to eat) each day. Both my Midwives and our Bradley class recommend the Brewer diet. This pregnancy diet is a high protein diet, since protein is essential in growing a strong and healthy baby. Protein also helps with morning sickness and helps prevent high blood pressure.

Each day I have...
  • 80-100g of protein! (its really fun to see how much protein is in things, like a daily challenge)
  • 1 quart of milk ( Raw is my favorite, but i settle for Organic whole milk)
  • 2 eggs 
  • 1-2 servings of meat (I use organic beef or chicken, tuna, shrimp etc.)
  • 1-2 servings of green leafy vegetables (I fail in this category most days. I try to sneak them in...smoothies etc.)
  • 2-3 servings of whole wheat
  • 1 piece of citrus fruit
  • 3 pats of real butter ( I even made my own once)
  •  LOTS of Water ( I shoot for at least 2 liters)

  • other fruits and veggies
  • baked potato 3 times a week ( I eat maybe twice)
  • Salt to taste 
  • Pregnancy tea (I try to drink at least a cup a day, but I need to increase that now to around 2)

So if I actually fill myself on all those good foods, I have no room for all the junk foods, which really aren't good for me or the baby!

In addition to eating healthy I also take several supplements.

  •  Rainbow Light 1 a day prenatal vitamins
  • Nordic Natural's Cod Liver Oil ( I like this brand because now that I have reflux, I only taste lemon and no fishy taste)
  • P8 Probiotics
  • Vitamin C
  • I recently bought Keifer (which I think is a milky probiotic) to put in my smoothies

 Why is it important to have a healthy prenatal diet? According to our Midwives the following are complications caused by a poor prenatal diet:
  1. Preeclampsia/Toxemia (high blood pressure)
  2. Abruption of the placenta
  3. Infarcted, small, calified placenta
  4. Poorly implanted placenta
  5. Placenta to firmly planted
  6. Maternal infection
  7. Hyperemesis gravidarum (extreme vomiting/dehydration during pregnancy)
  8. Maternal Death
  9. Hyperactivity and learning diabilities
  10. Mental retardation and behavior disorders
  11. Cerebal Palsy 
  12. Minor neurological disorders
  13. Epilepsy 
  14. Low birth weight
  15. Infant infection
  16. Congenital anatomic defects
  17. Hyperkinesis
  18. Perinatal death, still births, infant deaths
  19. Spontaneous abortion (sudden miscarriage)
The Brewer Pregnancy Diet (in more detail)
Bradley Method Nutrition

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