Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Waiting Game (40 weeks)

I now understand...well at least sympathize with scheduled inductions/c-sections. I have been preparing myself all along that Baby Girl would most likely be "overdue" as is true for most first time moms. But there was something so exciting about hitting 37 weeks and the fact that she COULD be born at any time. The last month is definitely the hardest and the days seem to go by slower! 

Then once your due date comes and goes it can be really discouraging. I found myself thinking this week "what if she never comes?" Every well meaning "when is that baby going to get here?" would make me want to just cry and say "I don't know if she is ever going to come!" Well not quite that dramatic, but you get the point, it was hard. I am so thankful to have midwifery care that is encouraging and doesn't treat me being "overdue" as a concern. Baby girl is healthy and she isn't in any distress so there is no medical need for an induction at this point. I know that if I had an OB pushing me towards induction, it would be so easy to give in when I am so anxious to meet our little girl.
Despite my bursts of discouragement through the week, I was also really encouraged thinking that God knows my baby and he knows all of her days. He has her birthday already planned, down to the very second. I found myself meditating on scripture like "unless the lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. (Psalm 127:1)" and "'Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?' says the LORD. 'Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?' says your God. (Isaiah 66:9 NASB)" Waiting is so hard, but I know that God is using this time to teach me to depend on him. It's so hard to wait because I can't control it. Pregnancy is so very humbling, as I have learned to walk by faith and trust in the Lord and praise him regardless of the results. 

Things I have done this week to keep busy and distracted
  • Devotions 
  • Cleaning out the closet
  • Packing my bag for the Birth Center
  •  Walks around the neighborhood
  • Dinner with friends
  • Dates with hubby
  • Crocheting...I just learned this week!
  • Decorating the nursery
  • Prepping my cloth diapers
  •  Finishing the last season of 24!
    Natural Induction/Encouragement Methods
  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Dancing
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Herbal labor prep
  • Pineapple
  • Time with the Hubby ;-)
  • Acupressure (ankle and skin between index finger and thumb)
  • Acupuncture  (ankles, hands, pinky toes, collar bones)  
  • Pelvic Rocks
  • Sitting on a yoga/birthing ball    
  • Rebozo sifting

How far along? 40 weeks
Baby size: A Jackfruit (i dont know what that is either)! About 20 inches long and weighing nearly 8lbs.
Total weight gain/loss: 52lbs yikes! That is going to be fun to lose, really thankful that I will be breastfeeding you burn 500 calories a day just sitting there. 
Maternity clothes? I have been wearing sweatpants and slippers all week. I try to wear a nice shirt with my black yoga pants and pretend that I am dressed up.
Stretch marks? I have some tiger stripes (or zebra stripes as my hubby put it!)

Sleep: I love sleep! I have been a little more sleepy this week, taking cat naps here and there. 
Highlights/Best moments this week: Hubby had the whole week off from work...we were hoping baby girl would make her appearance while he had it off, but it was nice to spend time together as a couple. We went to the gym 4 days this week I swam, walked, and Zumba-ed...pretty much anything that would encourage our sweet baby to get in a good position. 

I started acupuncture this week at my chiropractor appointments. I was really nervous about the pain, but surprisingly it didn't hurt at all, with the exception of the needle in my pinky toes.  We decided to do acupuncture because it releases oxytocin  and stimulates definitely works! We are just waiting for the contractions to be strong enough to be considered labor. ;-)

We completed the nursery (see Project Nursery part 2) and I cleaned out our closet, put away maternity clothes and summer/spring clothes. Cleaned the house...twice and I think I will do it again haha. Oh and I finally started packing my Birth Center Bag. 

Miss Anything? I am looking forward to having a "normal" sized body again. It's getting too hard to get up and down. I hope I never see 200lbs again, its too much work!
Movement: She is still moving, not crazy big movements, but she is big enough in there that her little movements are noticeable.

Food cravings: ummm... I have been trying to eat salad and protein this week to prepare my body for labor...I may have snuck in a few cookies too
Anything making you queasy or sick: No sickness
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender : It's a GIRL!!
Symptoms: swollen feet, frequent bathroom breaks, back ache, nesting, braxton hicks contractions, huge bump, colostrum, baby on my pelvic bone.
Belly Button in or out? outie
Wedding rings on or off? off and around my neck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy and anxious...sometimes discouraged, but mostly humbled!
Looking forward to:  I AM HAVING A BAB

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Project Nursery [Part Two] (40 weeks 3 days)

Today we finally put all the finishing touches on the "nursery." It has been a fun project to turn our single bedroom into a bedroom and a Nursery and we are quite content with the outcome!

Here is what it looked like when we started


And then we painted

Daddy put the crib together soon after

And following many weeks of baby steps this is the final result...


 Aren't these precious?! I can't wait for AnnaSophia to wear them! You can get yours HERE!

Now all we need is Baby Girl!