Saturday, December 29, 2012

For Unto Us a Child is Born (39 weeks)

I just haven't had time to make a chalkboard the past few weeks. I am so busy, which helps me not to just think about how badly I want to meet baby girl. 

How far along? 39 weeks
Baby size: A Watermelon! About 20 inches long and weighing "a bit over 7 lbs)... actually their guess this week was that she is in the upper 8s. Just like I want her. I really like the idea of a 9 lb baby they are harder to break lol
Total weight gain/loss: 48.5
Maternity clothes? This week I have mostly worn dresses. They are just more comfy and I dont have to keep pulling them up.
Stretch marks? Still aren't super noticeable, but they are there alright.

Sleep: I have actually slept really well this week. It can be hard to get comfortable, but I sleep hard when I sleep. It's been strange to wake up with sore hips from laying on my side all night. 
Highlights/Best moments this week: Baby girl rotated this week and was anterior. I am pretty sure she went right back though... still trying to "spin" this baby.
This week we celebrated my birthday, had a Christmas Eve service that included a true Nativity Story. We had so much fun! We also had Christmas dinner with a family from Church. It is so nice to realize that even though we are away from our biological family, God has blessed us with another family of believers. 

This Christmas God really opened my eyes to what it meant for Christ to be born. God humbled himself to be born in the form of a tiny baby. When I really think about that it gives new meaning to our Christmas Carols and it humbles my heart. I love how Bob Kauflin puts it, 

 Jesus, the eternal Son of God who before time was worshiped by countless angels, set aside his glory and entered the world through the birth canal of a young woman he had created.
He came not into a 21st century environment with trained doctors, sterilized instruments and fetal monitors, but into a 1st century cave filled with flies, animal excrement, and filth.
The fullness of deity took of residence in the body of a baby gasping for its first breath.
The one who spoke the universe into existence lay silent, unable to utter a word.
He came by choice and with the sole intention of redeeming a fallen and rebellious race through his perfect obedience, substitutionary death, and victorious resurrection.

When I meditate on that, I am ashamed of how commercialized Christmas has become. Traditions and time with family and even gifts are all a part of God's common grace to be enjoyed by us, but none of those things are what Christmas is about. 

My car is fixed, the nursery is mostly complete...just need to hang the curtains!

Miss Anything? I am just ready to hold my baby girl. I have loved being pregnant and I don't feel like I made some huge sacrifice, but I am so anxious to meet her.

Movement: She still moves around in there, mostly at night when I am falling asleep
Food cravings: Well it was Christmas so I just ate everything.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No sickness
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender : It's a GIRL!!
Symptoms: My feet have been swelling more lately, but nothing too bad. I am definitely getting more emotional, my back hurts more frequently and I have to pee everytime I stand up.
Belly Button in or out? it's out and you can see it through my shirts 
Wedding rings on or off? off and around my neck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: mostly happy, but definitely moody at times
Looking forward to:  I am just looking forward to the fact that it will be no longer than 2 weeks tops before AnnaSophia is here! It's really happening!

"But Daddy, I Want This Baby Nowwww!"(38 weeks)

How far along? 38 weeks
Baby size: A Pumpkin! About 19.5 inches long and weighing 6.8 lbs... actually their guess this week was that she is close to 8. I always knew I would grow a big's all that protein (and maybe the cookies too :-) )
Total weight gain/loss: 45
Maternity clothes? I still have a hanging belly and few of my maternity clothes do the job... I just rock the saggy belly, because I refuse to buy more clothes at this point
Stretch marks? They are creeping up on me, they haven't gotten any worse than faint purple lines, but they are there.

Sleep: Sleep can be difficult some nights because my back starts to hurt. I am on a 2-3 hour schedule of waking up and rolling over. This should be good practice for nightly feedings in a few weeks.
Highlights/Best moments this week: Baby girl is still posterior so I am trying all sorts of exercises to get her to roll over. For example, I am currently sitting on a birthing ball as I type this. I have also started Rebozo sifting , which is just taking a scarf like fabric and lifting up on the belly and shaking back and forth. its supposed to soften your round ligaments and give baby a better chance at rolling over.
I started having car trouble this week... blah so I am hopeful that we will get it fixed before the baby gets here
This is my last week of being 22! I turn 23 on the 23rd and I will be 39 weeks pregnant! 
Miss Anything? I miss being able to bend over without lots of effort
Movement: Still moving, dancing, digging, building sand castles and just enjoying life in the womb

Food cravings: Still want Christmas goodies... and fruit. Fruit > Christmas Goodies
Anything making you queasy or sick: I did get car sick on our way home from our getaway.
Have you started to show yet: yes
Gender : It's a GIRL!!
Symptoms:My feet only swell on Sundays, indigestion, sore back, uncontrollable laughter and crying
Belly Button in or out? mostly out
Wedding rings on or off? off and around my neck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but my moods can be unpredictable 
Looking forward to:  Still looking forward to getting stuff together, celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, having a few days with the hubby OH! seeing Les Miserables, and AnnaSophia's Birthday!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Full Term (37 weeks, with a little from 36)

How far along? 37 weeks
Baby size: A Winter Melon! About 19 inches long and weighing 6.25 lbs.
Total weight gain/loss: 40+
Maternity clothes? As you can see my belly just hangs out of everything at this point the word "maternity" doesn't make much difference anymore.
Stretch marks? At the very end of 37 weeks I can see the start of my first "real" stretchmarks...just when I thought I was getting out free.

Sleep: Sleep is decent... I have some trouble sometimes, but definitely not as bad as most people say it is.
Highlights/Best moments this week: Lets see since I skipped 36 weeks... We had our Birthday Planning Appointment and I tested negative for group beta strep woohoo! Baby Girl has been head down so that is one less thing to worry about. 
The Nursery is almost ready! We still have a few more finishing touches to put on it and then I will share more pictures. I have been washing lots of baby clothes and finding spots for them and I have even begun packign the diaper bag (that I am in love with!)
We decorated for Christmas which consists of a tree and some stockings.
At my 37 week appointment I was able to see one of the girls from my Bradley class leaving with her baby...It was so sweet she was only 38 weeks and everything was perfectly fine. It just got me really anxious and excited to meet little also made it more real, I am really going to have this baby soon! 
Hubby surprised me with a weekend getaway to a sweet little Brick house that we shared with our friends Shelby and Jordan (remember baby Jack?). We had a wonderful time to just relax before baby girl makes her debut.  I am sure lots more happened but that is what I remember ;-P
Miss Anything? umm...not being 200lbs its pretty hard work lol
Movement: She is moving quite a bit, but she likes to be posterior (her back against my back) which is really sweet when I get to feel her hands and feet, but we will want her to turn before labor....posterior babies make for killer back labor. This means I am doing lots of pelvic rocks.

Food cravings: Christmas goodies... what a terrible time to be pregnant!
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Well I would think so
Gender : It's a GIRL!!
Symptoms:My feet only swell on Sundays, indigestion, sore back, uncontrollable laughter and crying
Belly Button in or out? mostly out
Wedding rings on or off? off and around my neck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, but my moods can be unpredictable 
Looking forward to:  packing the diaper bag and mommy bag, our Christmas Eve service, BABY GIRL!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Nesting Begins (35 Weeks)

 Progress of the Baby Bump!

How far along? 35 weeks
Baby size: A honeydew! About 18.3 inches long and weighing 5.25 lbs.
Total weight gain/loss: I think around 35, but who can really tell?
Maternity clothes? I am now in need of more long sleeve winter shirts that cover this giant belly
Stretch marks? Still doing pretty good on the stretchmarks, only have the little ones on my sides
Sleep: Sleep is okay I had a few rough nights this week, but nothing really to complain about
Highlights/Best moments this week: This week I went to an aqua fitness class at the gym in addition to my Zumba. It turned out to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated, but it was nice to be able to jump and do ab workouts :-). By Wednesday this week I was sick and I layed on the couch from Thursday-Saturday. Hubby took off work to take care of me and it was such a huge help even though he fed me McDonalds, ChicFila, Pizza, and cookies (haha) my food log this week is horrendous! 

We were finally able to venture out and we picked up a few more cloth diapers for our stash and looked for some things for AnnaSophia's nook.  The whole time I was sick I also really wanted to clean and organize. I didn't have the energy to do all that, but I did prep my prefolds (washing them a few times so that they are absorbent) and wash some clothes...3 loads of tiny girl clothes! It's so fun to fold little girl clothes! I am sure I wont be saying that in a few months though. 

We also caught a mouse, well actually two, this week. They were hoping to sneak food from our pantry, but we tricked them with chocolate. At least they died happy.
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping on my stomach and not having to rock in order to get up
Movement: This week we played a game with baby girl. I would rub where I knew her feet were and say "where's your feet?" and then she would kick my hand and I would respond "there they are!" She even played with Lucas too! It was really sweet! We can't wait to play fun games with her when she gets here!

Food cravings: I haven't eaten too much in general this week since I have been feeling lousy.
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope!
Have you started to show yet: Yup
Gender : It's a GIRL!!
Symptoms:Still having joint pain, and its getting much harder to find a comfortable position to sit or lay in. 
Belly Button in or out? mostly out
Wedding rings on or off? off and around my neck.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been very needy this week since I have been feeling pathetic, but I am happy to be feeling a little better.
Looking forward to:  Christmas Caroling, our appointment this week (we will be going over what to do when labor starts/when to call or come in), Christmas season festivities, finishing touches on the nursery and the arrival of baby girl!